Ah Spring!
Hi my beauties! Happy spring! Yes it’s bring but it’s still so cold outside and it feels like it will never get warm. I want to take my jacket off already and just move on! I want to be able to wear lighter colors and clothes and go to picnics at the park and to enjoy my time with my friends. I am a winter baby but I do not like the cold. I just live in sweaters until it’s officially time to wear summer clothes when it’s like 70 degrees to 115 degrees! I love the heat. I have been very mindful recently about staying present and grounding myself. I take deep breaths every morning and look around me and appreciate where I am. Now that it’s spring I just absorb the bird and tree sounds and wind noise and just center myself! It’s so good! I always say this every morning I set my intentions! I am alive I am safe I am healthy You should try it! my top is from kalvin clein